Thursday, August 14, 2008

"Who cannot cook. But whom we love, just as she is."

I was talking with a friend last night. The topic- how its the not-so-immediate family who are usually the ones excited about being the so-called matchmakers of any anak daras or anak terunas left in the family, even if they're the not-so-immediate family ones.

We found out that apparently both of us are fairly well trained in the art of menepis & mengelak from being asked the dreaded "I know this guy.. he is the son of *insert name of big shot Tan Sri/Dato/Datuk*'s son. Do you wanna meet him?" (or yg sewaktu dgnnya punya statement).

And when you politely say you're already seeing someone (true in most situations), they'd still insist that their guy is better, and the guy you're seeing is no-good. Ganas. Amazing, these makciks.

So she asked me, "Kakak, whats your type?". I couldn't describe him, the "my type" guy. But I promised her I'll introduce them one day.

But should things don't work out with "my type" guy- Jason Mraz, MARRY ME!

p/s: the friend I was having the conversation with really is beautiful. Pake jilbab lagi. Even I was tempted to be all makcik2-y and introduce her to my better "boleh diharap lah" friends when we first knew each other, being the protective "kakak" that i am.

btw, I think Jason Mraz is an amazing singer/songwriter. yes, I have a huge celebrity crush on him. Him and Chris Cornell. Kalo penyanyi la.

p.p/s: I'll give mentos sour mix to the one who can guess which movie the title of this entry came from.

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